Which Baby Monitoring System is the Best?

Why you need a baby monitoring system? These devices are excellent for parents who want to track their cutie pie’s breathing and sleep patterns. Maybe you want one because you are away from home for shopping or doing grocery. Maybe you live in a large house or sleep very deep and don’t catch all the noises while you are asleep. A baby monitoring system will keep in touch with your sweetheart even when you are all tangled up in chores. Of course, this is a huge benefit for the parents who have a separate room for their little ones.

Types of baby monitoring system

With the passage of time manufacturers have been adding more and more features as the demand for this useful baby monitoring devices increases across the world. There are different types of baby monitoring devices. The most common type of baby monitoring system is audio-based. You can also categorize these devices based on their power source. There are corded and cordless devices also available.

In recent time with the development of technology smartphone based baby monitoring devices have also hit the markets. These are gaining popularity among the masses slowly but surely.

Based on how they receive signals

First of all, let’s have a look at the baby monitor types based on how they receive signals:

Ø  Analog baby monitors

The analog baby monitors are less expensive if you compare them with other such devices. These monitors can directly transfer different frequencies from the transmitter in your baby’s room to the receiver you have. It means that any person with a receiver and on the same frequency can listen to the baby sounds.

Ø  Digital baby monitors

These baby monitors can encode a signal and for this reason, other people cannot listen to it. Only the receiver of the digital signal can hear to the sound of the baby. If you live in an area with poor internet connectivity, then either digital or analog baby monitor is the right option for you.

Ø  Wireless (smartphone-based) baby monitors

This baby monitor has the ability to connect with your home’s wireless network for transmission of signals. In this scenario, you will be able to use an application (app) on your laptop or smartphone for the purpose of monitoring your baby.

You just need a good quality internet connection and the app on your smartphone or laptop. Having an app to use is a feature that most of the parents consider a big utility. Nevertheless, you must keep in mind that if your internet connection experiences any interruptions or fluctuations, the feed will also experience the same.

Based on the receiver unit

Now you can exclude some of the wireless baby monitors from this category. The reason behind that is some of the wireless monitors can show you the feed with help of a smartphone app. You don’t have to have a receiver a receiver of any kind in your hand. I have included this type in the category above. Now based on the receiver unit, there are two different types of baby monitors which are as follows,

Ø  Audio receivers

These receivers enable you to hear every sound that your little one makes. With these receivers, you are able to make adjustments to the volume of this device or you can mute it too. Some of the models come with LED lights that light up when you have muted the device. You will be able to get all the visual notification through these lights, even if you have the mute on.

Ø  Video receivers

These receivers come with full display screens with colors and you can make adjustments to the brightness. The size of the display screen is crucial here. The size of the screen will dictate how clearly you are able to see your child. Make sure that the size of the screen is suitable. These days the video receivers also come with night vision too. You will be able to see your little asleep in the dark at night with ease.

So which one should you choose?

So, it all boils down to the single most important question when it comes to baby monitoring system: which one should you choose? Each type discussed above has its own pros and cons. Some of them require a good internet connection while other is very expensive. Some of them offer a wide range of signal reception while others come with their limitations in terms of range.

The most useful of them all are audio, video and smartphone-based baby monitors. The smartphone-based monitoring devices are a recent inclusion because of the convenience they have to offer. Let’s briefly discuss the pros and cons of each of these three types of baby monitors.

Ø  Audio-based

Clearly, the audio based devices only have the capability to provide you with audio feeds on your kid. You won’t be able to see what is actually going on. Maybe the kid is having fun and making all the noises s/he can while doing so. However, you think that s/he might be having some problems. You run towards them only to find out that they are just playing around and there is nothing to worry at all.

Now if you are busy getting your chores done then doing this all day can be exhausting. However, if you understand the different noises that your baby makes in different situations then this can be a good option. It will not cost you much of your money either. Audio receivers are the best option for experienced parents who are not dealing with their first child.audio baby monitoring system

Ø  Video-based

If you are dealing with your first baby then you should opt for a video-based monitor. As mentioned above, you are not experienced with different sounds that your baby makes in different situations. Therefore, you need to have visual aid all along that will keep you posted with everything that your baby does. It will be more expensive as compared to audio monitors.

However, it will worth every penny of yours. You won’t have to run around like crazy on every around that your kid makes. And of course who doesn’t want to see all the things that their little one does on his/her own while playing. You will be able to complete all your chores effectively without wasting any time.baby monitoring system

Ø  Smartphone-based

Of course, the added benefit of convenience is always a plus. With the boom of a smartphone these days everything is just a tap away. Many of the wireless baby monitors these days come with their own app on Android or iOS too. With this app, you are able to connect the baby monitor and get all the updates on your baby right on your phone. How facilitating is that!

Nevertheless, you do need a good quality internet connection for this to work. With the app, you will be able to see everything that your sweetheart does. With internet connectivity, there is no dependency on the signal range as well. You just need a good solid internet service available at your disposal and you are good to go.  However, baby monitors with Wi-Fi facility do come at a high price. But with more and more brands introducing their Wi-Fi baby monitors the prices are coming down as the years go by.smartphone baby monitoring system

Who should buy a baby monitoring system?

You must first know right from day one that where is your baby going to sleep? If your baby sleeps in the same room as you do then maybe you don’t want such a device. But if s/he sleeps in another room then you need to have this device with you at night. This device is very useful if you live in a large house too. You might have your little one’s room upstairs.

Another important consideration here is that if you sleep deeply then you need to have this device with you. It is a well-known fact that after having your kids you will always sleep with one ear open. You will be able to receive all the alerts when your baby gurgles.

A baby monitoring system will also enable you to keep an eye on your baby during his/her independent playtime. Furthermore, you can also assess how long your little one takes to fall asleep. These devices will also come in handy when you are in a fairly isolated part of your home or are busy with other chores. Working parents may also find a baby monitoring system to be a godsend.


So the choice of which one is better all depends upon what you prefer. If you are an experienced parent who has been through all this before then you might not need a video device. It will enable you to save some money too. If you are a parent of your first kid then you might not be familiar with different sounds and noises that your baby makes in different scenarios.

For this, you need a video feed to support the audio too. On the other hand, if you are willing to spend more than you can always go for the smartphone-based option. It offers you a long range and you can even leave your house for a short period while keeping an eye on your sweetie pie.

If you ask me, I would highly recommend a smartphone based baby monitoring system. The reason behind that is it offers you a long-range coverage which is not there in any other option. But you do need to have good quality internet connection as well. You will be able to access all the information within your palm and can conveniently go through your to-do list without any issues. It is a onetime expense and such an option will not need any maintenance either.

Read our review and buying guide about Best Portable Baby Monitors with Video